This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by chanarbon 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #5651 Score: 0

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    I am trying to get report and generate Saved Report data in CSV through Suitelet using Session id but it is throwing me “Must login to Netsuite” error.

    Can anyone help on this
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  • #5652 Score: 0

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    Hi sravanm

    For this one, how do you access the Suitelet? Are you accessing the Suitelet through an external application using the system domain instead of the forms domain. Or are you calling it through an nlapiRequestURL() on a server script and user a session id that you have retrieved from a UI session? Or are you getting the headers from the nlobjRequest and call the report in the system domain using nlapiRequestURL()?

  • #5653 Score: 0

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    Hi Chanarbon,

    Thanks for your response. In Netsuite, I am displaying suite-let link to access it. In Suite-let, I am trying to access report data using nlapiRequestURL api. Following is sample code.

    var sessionID = request.getParameter(‘custpage_cookie’);

    var reportID=XXXX;


    var authenticationHeaders = new Array();

    authenticationHeaders[‘Host’] = ‘’;

    authenticationHeaders[‘User-Agent-x’] = nlapiEscapeXML(‘SuiteScript-Call’);

    authenticationHeaders[‘Accept’] = nlapiEscapeXML(‘application/xml’);

    authenticationHeaders[‘Accept-Language’] = nlapiEscapeXML(‘en-us’);

    authenticationHeaders[‘Cookie’] = sessionCookie;

    authenticationHeaders[‘Content-Type’] = nlapiEscapeXML(‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8’);

    var sessionCookie = ‘JSESSIONID=’ + nlapiEscapeXML(sessionID) + ‘;’ + ‘lastUser=AccountId:-1:_-5_3;NS_VER=2016.2.0’ ;

    var initialReportRequestURL = NETSUITE_REPORT_URL + ‘?cr=’ + reportID;

    var responseObjectGenerateReport = nlapiRequestURL(initialReportRequestURL, null, authenticationHeaders);

    Do let me know if anything need to be added/modified

  • #5654 Score: 0

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    Hi @sravanm

    From my point of view, the problem is to where you are sourcing the session id. Have you tried sourcing it from the session object of the request or have you retrieved the cookie header of the request itself.

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