This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by esmeralda 15 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #7441


    Fellow NS users,

    We want to generate our financial reports for the month May.

    I run a balance sheet as of 31-may-2009.

    This shows an A/P balance of X.

    Now I need a report that shows the breakdown of this amount X

    per vendor.

    the same is true for our A/R balance of Y.

    I need a report that show the breakdown of this amount per customer.

    How can i accomplish this in NS?

    I tried A/P and A/R aging, but as we are in the month of june and have already entered bills and invoices for the month of june, these show up on my aging as well.

    Is there anyway I can have a filter like:

    open payables.period in or before accounting period may 2009

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

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  • #7442

    Damon Read

    RE: Generate balances as of a date in the past?

    Hi Esmerelda

    You should just be able to change the date at the bottom of the A/R or A/P report and it will give you the balances as of the date you key in?

    If you dont see the date field contact NetSuite because it works perfectly for us.

  • #7443


    RE: Generate balances as of a date in the past?

    That does not work for us.

    I suspect it is because we have invoices and bills

    with dates different from the period.

    For example: date = 2-feb-09 but period = may-09

    the balance sheet is generated by period = may-09

    but the aging is generated by date.


  • #7444


    RE: Generate balances as of a date in the past?

    I figured it out!

    I had as preference: report by period = financials only

    i changed it to report by period = all reports

    now I can generate both the balance sheet and the aging report

    by period and the two match perfectly.


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