I would like to be able to set a condition to make a field mandatory (or not) by using a combination of two field values. I want to set a specific field to be mandatory if the status of the opportunity is A-C AND if the expected close date is within this quarter.
Condition used:
{opportunitystatus.id} in (1,2,3) and to_char({expectedclosedate}, ‘Q’)=to_char({today}, ‘Q’)
After field sourcing triggering client fields:
opportunity status and expected close date
Nothing happened except the system locked me out of editing my opportunities. I could click the edit button, but my drop down of statuses would not open up and if i set a new expected close date it would let me set it but not let me move off of it. Also, I couldn’t navigate to the proper subtab where the field i was trying to set as mandatory was located.
Thoughts on what went wrong? Something wrong in my formula? I also need to set up the inverse of this so that when the opportunity moves out of this criteria the field is no longer mandatory. However, i don’t know if there is an easy way to code that (i.e. the ‘not’ this criteria version) or if i need to code the 3 other possibilities it could be (i.e. not a-c and within this quarter, a-c and not in this quarter, and not a-c and not in this quarter). Any help is appreciated, thanks!
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