This topic contains 7 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Olivier Gagnon NC 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #6076 Score: 0

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    There are two (2) fields on the invoice that I care about : total and amountremaining

    In regards to foreign currency, In the 2016.1 records browser there is an fxamount field that you can retrieve. There is also an fxamountremaining that is NOT documented. Both of these can only be retrieved via lookup.

    If for example, your Sales Order is in the Canadian and your accounts currency is USD, if you transform the Sales Order to an Invoice, should you need to worry about “fx” fields? I don’t feel super comfortable using undocumented fields for this as well. Is this just a goof in NetSuite’s documentation?
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  • #6077 Score: 0

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    I’m with you, I don’t like using undocumented stuff. But if you have to….

    You might be able to calculate the amount remaining using the appliedtoforeignamount but that would create a lot more to do.

  • #6078 Score: 0

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    SHOULD i have to even use foreign amounts though? I don’t understand why the total / amountremaining wouldn’t be in the currency of whatever I transformed and not the customer’s primary. A Sales Order can have a different currency than the primary. If that is transformed, I would expect the different currency to be what is reflected in the total / amountremaining. Am I just understanding this wrong?

  • #6079 Score: 0

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    Yes, I’ve used the fxamount. In fact, with multiple currencies it’s good to use this because it will reflect the correct amount. Just make sure you display or use the correct currency as well.

    I haven’t tried transforming anything but I would assume the if you transform a sales order in CAD that the invoice would also be in CAD.

  • #6080 Score: 0

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    I’ll need to do a little more testing with this. I want to see that if I transform CAD Sales Order -> Invoice, that the total and amountremaining are also in CAD (and there is no need to use fxamount / and undocumented fxamountremaining) and not whatever primary / base currency exists for that customer/subsidiary. I still don’t feel that comfortable as this does not seem to be documented that fully. May be a call to NetSuite. Thanks for the help.

  • #6081 Score: 0

    Olivier Gagnon NC
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    You can just multiply Amount or Amount Remaining by the Exchange Rate.

    david.smith replied on 10/18/2016, 03:03 PM: Is the exchange rate static at the time of the sale?

  • #6082 Score: 0

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    My thought was that the calculation has already been done and stored so no need to do that.

  • #6083 Score: 0

    Olivier Gagnon NC
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    @david.smith: I’m not sure I understand what you’re asking. The exchange rate is taken when a transaction saves and then does not change by itself.

    @chris: I noticed amountremainingfx too, but this is new. Up until now, you wanted anything other than amountfx, you calculated it by taking the “regular” field and multiply by exchange rate. If you are in a multi-currency OW environment, be careful not to convert base on consolidated rates, of course.

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