This topic contains 9 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by darrenhillconsulting 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #18251



    So, I’m trying to spread some heavy duty processing for incoming data across lots of Map/Reduce deployments. My question is, how can I find out which deployment is currently ‘idle’? Further, reading the documentation, it appears I can ‘submit’ against the same deployment over and over, and achieve the same thing (I’ll get a null, from the submit)? Is that true?

    I guess lastly, any alternative approaches to what I’m trying to do?
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  • #18252


    Not sure if this helps but some heavy duty scripts I have use multiple queues. If a user tries to kick off another MR script and all the queues are blocked I display a message saying to try back in a few minutes as another process is running. I achieve this as I can check which scripts are currently running using a Scheduled Script Instance saved search which also luckily includes map reduce scripts.

  • #18253


    Ok, thanks Maher! Step in the right direction for sure.

    Now, I’ve been staring at this for a while. I’ve got 10 deployments for a Map/Reduce.

    I want to run a Scheduled Script Instance Search, and get the list of the deployments that are ‘idle’

    So, if deployments 1 and 2 are ‘in use’, I should get back 8 in the result set.

    This should be easy no?

    There are so many status, etc. Any insight? Much appreciated sir!

  • #18254


    If you don’t mind, can you detail why you are manually handling deployments for map reduce?

  • #18255


    Simply, I have a RESTlet that is capturing large amounts of data, and I want to hand off the processing to an available script deployment.

  • #18256


    Below is the code (typescript) I’m currently using (not working quite right).

    export let queueMRTask = (config: QueueMRTaskConfig): void => {
    let i = 1;
    while (i <= config.PROCESS_QUEUE_COUNT) {
    try {
    let msgProcessor: task.MapReduceScriptTask = task.create({
    taskType: task.TaskType.MAP_REDUCE
    msgProcessor.scriptId = config.scriptId;
    msgProcessor.deploymentId = config.deploymentId_prefix + i.toString();
    msgProcessor.params = config.parms;
    let cassandraMsgProcessorTaskID = msgProcessor.submit();
    let cassandraMsgProcessorTaskStatus: task.MapReduceScriptTaskStatus = task.checkStatus({
    taskId: cassandraMsgProcessorTaskID

    if (cassandraMsgProcessorTaskStatus.status !== task.TaskStatus.FAILED) {
    i = config.PROCESS_QUEUE_COUNT + 1; // Force out of while look
    } else {
    i = i + 1;
    } catch (e) {
    i = i + 1;
    As an example, I pass the following object into this function

    config = {
    scriptId: ‘customscript_processor_mr’,
    deploymentId_prefix: ‘customdeploy_processor_’,
    parms: [1,2,3]
    The deployment id’s following the naming conventions of







  • #18257


    For me the Status for in Use are “Pending”, “Processing,”Retry”.

    Also not sure if you’ve had a chance to check out SuiteCloud Processors, which actually replaces the whole queue model all together and may be a viable alternate solution.

    darrenhillconsulting replied on 10/02/2017, 11:25 AM: I’m game for that, but see no documentation on how to trigger that via script. Anyone know where I can find it?

  • #18258


    Hey Darren. You can search for the current tasks and their progress.

    var scheduledscriptinstanceSearchObj = search.create({
    type: “scheduledscriptinstance”,
    filters: [
    columns: [
    name: “name”,
    join: “script”
    name: “scriptid”,
    join: “scriptDeployment”
    name: “percentcomplete”,
    sort: search.Sort.ASC
    name: “startdate”,
    sort: search.Sort.DESC
    var searchResultCount = scheduledscriptinstanceSearchObj.runPaged().count;{
    // .run().each has a limit of 4,000 results
    return true;

  • #18259


    I also read that, in SS1.0, if you omitted the deploymentId from nlapiScheduleScript (or passed a null), that Netsuite would use the next ‘available’ deployment. That would be ideal! Anyone know if the same holds true in SS2.0? I’ll give’r a go and let you know.

    I appreciate all the help! Keep it coming!

  • #18260


    Great news everyone, passing a ‘null’ for the deploymentid forces Netsuite to choose the next available deployment. Wicked!

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