This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by chanarbon 7 years, 11 months ago.

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    I have a scheduled script that finds text files in the File Cabinet, and creates transactions based off the data. This script has been running for years successfully, with text files from 1k to 10k. historically the processing time is about 5-10 minutes for a 10k file.

    Today, two different files (one 8k, one 9k) have crashed the script, taking over 1 hour to process. The dreaded SSS_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED error. Anyone else having issues like this, which is most likely related to an Thursday night update?

    And as a side note, when I inevitably have to start a case with NetSuite support, does anyone have advice on how to cut through support’s primary defense of dragging their feet, asking dumb questions, trying to schedule phone calls and webex to verify the info that I just gave them?
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  • #6155 Score: 0

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    Hi khultquist,

    not sure if this will help or not but I remember a few days back, there were some issues with accessing the file cabinet on top of a few data center issues.

  • #6156 Score: 0

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    Hi Kevin,

    As for this one, may I ask the process that you have with the script?

    For example, were you able to check which part of the script has the slowest performance? For example, is the loading of file contributing the largest time or is the creation of transaction causing the slowness leading to the SSS_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED? Also, if the slowness is contributed by the creation of transaction, we could check on some historical part of your customizations. For example, have you recently added some customizations like scripts or workflows that could contribute to the total performance of the per transaction save? If yes, you can have some alternate solutions like creating some recovery point or trigger a yield instead. If not possible, you may chop the current data set on the file then trigger a rescheduling of script.

    Lastly, can we have the case number for the linked query?

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