This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by pcutler 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #5799 Score: 0

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    Is it possible to extend the amount of time for nlapiRequestURL() when dealing with external webservices / sites ?

    On Occasion we see the external site fail to return the info we need in a timely basis, and hoping to extend it just by a bit in case this happens.

    This is the error message

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  • #5800 Score: 0

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    According to this SuiteAnswers post, nlapiRequestURL() will time out after 45 seconds. I’m not aware of any way to extend this time.

    Here’s another SuiteAnswers post that has a sample script to help mitigate typical errors that may be thrown by nlapiRequestURL().

    Hope that helps!

  • #5801 Score: 0

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    Is there any chance that you’re writing a client script? In that case, you can use native web browser APIs.

    Otherwise, unfortunately the answer is no. If this fits your business process, you might consider calling nlapiRequestURL in a try/catch block and retrying x number of times on time-outs. The alternative would be redesigning your process to be async.

    nameunknown01 replied on 04/22/2017, 02:37 AM: unfortunately its server side,so im limited to nlapiRequestURL, Ive only seen it occur twice now on several hundred requests, so the scale of the issue is quite minor as NS generates the error alerts and i can inspect which record is the problem

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