This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by carl.billings 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #21571 Score: 0

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    We have a Workflow and a deal of scripting to handle the specific requirements of the approval process for Expense Reports. From the Workflow, the 'Employee / Entity' field is locked for edit (i.e., it's 'inline') for all Employee Center roles, except one: the executive assistant to the CEO. This person needs to be able to enter Expense Reports for her 'Supervisor' (the CEO) as well as others on the exec. team. Given that she is subordinate to all these staff, how can I best handle the ability for her to select an Employee whom is not her direct report?

    I'm sort of guessing I'll need to write a Suitelet to perform an Employee search (run as Admin) and create some sort of pseudo Employee drop-down box field?

    Thanks heaps,

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  • #21572 Score: 0

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    Hi Kirk,

    While it may bump up against your controls policy my former employers just provided a full access license and let Executive Assistants enter data as if they were accountants. Most accountants can enter data against any employee record. it would still be forced into an approval queue if you have one but it settles much of the difficulty here

    k_dunc replied on 06/13/2017, 02:51 PM: Thanks for the suggestion Carl. Yes, even though that would be a last resort solution for this client, I’m thinking that that may be best.

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