This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by GusGus 6 years, 8 months ago.

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    I had to create a custom approval process for making changes to purchase orders. I have a user event script that adds a custom button to purchase orders. This button triggers a client script that uses the nlapiResolveURL() function to open a copy of the purchase order in edit mode. That way the user can make changes to the purchase order and save it, which then triggers a workflow with the approval process.

    My issue is that the users that will be using this button should not have edit access to purchase order records. They have view access only. So, they are able to open this copy but any changes they make they will be unable to submit. I know that I could give them edit access and hide the edit button but they will still be able to see an edit button in the list view of purchase order records. I imagine I could hide that from them as well somehow but it seems risky to give them edit access at all.

    Is there a way to allow them to edit this copy when they use this custom button? I can run the ue script that creates the button as admin but that doesn't help me because of the client script that then opens the copy. I need the client script in order to open this purchase order copy in edit mode without having to first submit the copy. I need to avoid submitting the copy first because that throws off my workflow if they were to cancel or close the browser window before making changes. Any ideas?
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