This topic contains 6 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Troy 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #1182


    Has anyone ever seen this before? I can’t find any information on such a thing. The first time it happened, I was able to fix it by removing some references to modules that weren’t being used in my code anymore. By that I mean something like removing ‘N/log’ in define([‘N/log’], function(){});

    Shortly after, it happend again, although this file doesn’t even use any of the Netsuite modules!!
    This is a cached copy. Click here to see the original post.

  • #1183


    Ah, I understand the problem now, I think.

    My file referenced a file that referenced a file that had some code running before the return statement ran (that return statement contains all the available function to be invoked on the module).

    In that code before the return statement, I had a call to the log module. After removing that log statement, my problem was fixed.

    So really, the error message does make sense, once you’ve figured out what it means anyways haha.

    Hopefully that explanation is good enough. Otherwise I can try to add more detail or post some code.

    EDIT: The file that referenced the file containing the log statement? The function I was calling from that file was a self executing function, because I had some variables I wanted to be “private”. Thus, it wanted to execute the log statement (I assume).

    • #16398


      This was helpful in resolving an issue where I encountered this error while saving a 2.0 script via the UI. Thank you.

      Troy Oltmanns

  • #1184


    From what I see from my testing, if you placed an initialization inside the main callback function and is referred within the functions used by the entry points, you may encounter this concern.

  • #1185

    Jarod Tavares

    I’ve been bumping into this regularly. Sometimes it makes sense for a module to maintain some internal private state or do what passes for meta-programming in ES5. My scripts may work as intended, but NetSuite doesn’t seem to appreciate such cleverness when editing scripts from the web. I end up having to back out and do things “the hard way” because I can’t sacrifice the web-editor.

    It’s too bad, given the new CodeMirror-based editor has been so nice for one-off experiments and quick emergency fixes. Wish there was some leeway between protecting us from ourselves and encouraging cowboy coding.

  • #1186


    This actually happens as well when you are creating a newly uploaded script with the scenario the I have mentioned e.g.

    define([], function(){

    var a = 0

    function myFieldChangedFxn(context){

    var currentRecord = context.currentRecord;
    var x = a;
    var sublistId = context.sublistId;
    var fieldId = context.fieldId;

    if(sublistId == “item” && fieldId == “item”){


    return {
    fieldChanged : myFieldChangedFxn

    where in a was from the main callback and was called on a callback function

  • #1187


    Essentially, the callback to define is a constructor for the module itself, which may be called in advance of triggering the module’s entrypoint functions. The check is protecting script authors from having any code with side effects on the system run at unexpected times, nothing to do with encapsulation.

    Wrapping setup code in a lazy loading function which is called from entrypoint functions is one solution.

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