This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Jordan Manningham 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #5626 Score: 0

    Jordan Manningham
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    • Level 1

    I have a before submit user event script that transfers address subrecords on a customer record to a contact record. The script executes perfectly on my end when logged in as any role. The script throws an error on line 58 when anyone not logged in as an admin tries to execute. The error is “Sublist addressbook field addressbookaddress is not a subrecord field Stack Trace: transfer(transferAddresses.js$259389:58)”. I’m really not sure why this error is being thrown. I’ve looked at role differences and checked permissions but am drawing a blank. I know addressbookaddress is not a documented sublist field but it should work for all users if it works for me and other admins.

    Any thoughts?

    function transfer(type, name){
    if (nlapiGetFieldValue(‘custentity90’) == ‘T’){
    var com = nlapiLoadRecord(‘customer’, nlapiGetFieldValue(‘company’));
    if (com == null){
    com = nlapiLoadRecord(‘othername’, nlapiGetFieldValue(‘company’));
    if (com == null){
    com = nlapiLoadRecord(‘prospect’, nlapiGetFieldValue(‘company’));
    if (com == null){
    com = nlapiLoadRecord(‘lead’, nlapiGetFieldValue(‘company’));
    var address_fields = [‘defaultbilling’, ‘defaultshipping’, ‘country’, ‘custrecord_addresstype’, ‘attention’, ‘addressee’, ‘addrphone’, ‘addr1’, ‘addr2’, ‘city’, ‘dropdownstate’, ‘zip’];
    var check_fields = [‘addr1’, ‘addr2’, ‘city’, ‘dropdownstate’, ‘zip’, ‘country’];
    var addresses = com.getLineItemCount(‘addressbook’);
    var a_count = nlapiGetLineItemCount(‘addressbook’);
    var match = 0;
    var matching = 0;
    for (var xx = 1; xx < = addresses; xx++){ match = 0; matching = 0; for (var cc = 1; cc <= a_count; cc++){ if (match != 1){ com.selectLineItem('addressbook', xx); var cust_subrec = com.viewCurrentLineItemSubrecord('addressbook', 'addressbookaddress'); var con_subrec = nlapiViewLineItemSubrecord('addressbook', 'addressbookaddress', cc); matching = 0; for (var zz = 0; zz < check_fields.length; zz++){ if (cust_subrec.getFieldValue(check_fields[zz]) == con_subrec.getFieldValue(check_fields[zz])){ matching++; } } if (matching > 5){
    match = 1;
    if (match == 0){
    com.selectLineItem(‘addressbook’, xx);
    var cust_subrec = com.viewCurrentLineItemSubrecord(‘addressbook’, ‘addressbookaddress’);
    var thisrec = nlapiGetNewRecord();
    thisrec.setCurrentLineItemValue(‘addressbook’, ‘defaultshipping’, com.getLineItemValue(‘addressbook’, address_fields[0], xx));
    thisrec.setCurrentLineItemValue(‘addressbook’, ‘defaultbilling’, com.getLineItemValue(‘addressbook’, address_fields[1], xx));
    thisrec.setCurrentLineItemValue(‘addressbook’, ‘isresidential’, com.getLineItemValue(‘addressbook’, ‘isresidential’, xx));
    var subrec = nlapiCreateCurrentLineItemSubrecord(‘addressbook’, ‘addressbookaddress’);
    subrec.setFieldValue(address_fields[2], cust_subrec.getFieldValue(address_fields[2]));
    subrec.setFieldValue(address_fields[3], cust_subrec.getFieldValue(address_fields[3]));
    subrec.setFieldValue(address_fields[4], cust_subrec.getFieldValue(address_fields[4]));
    subrec.setFieldValue(address_fields[5], cust_subrec.getFieldValue(address_fields[5]));
    subrec.setFieldValue(address_fields[6], cust_subrec.getFieldValue(address_fields[6]));
    subrec.setFieldValue(address_fields[7], cust_subrec.getFieldValue(address_fields[7]));
    subrec.setFieldValue(address_fields[8], cust_subrec.getFieldValue(address_fields[8]));
    subrec.setFieldValue(address_fields[9], cust_subrec.getFieldValue(address_fields[9]));
    subrec.setFieldValue(address_fields[10], cust_subrec.getFieldValue(address_fields[10]));
    nlapiSetFieldValue(‘custentity90’, ‘F’);
    nlapiSetFieldValue(‘custentity67’, ‘F’);
    nlapiSetFieldValue(‘custentity46’, ‘F’);
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