This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by CREECE 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #5733 Score: 0

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    I am currently in an Item Fulfillment UE where I am loading the associated Sales Order via dynamic mode and setting some line item values that I would expect to trigger client logic but does not. Is this not possible? I am writing the exact code syntax as per…ail/a_id/15030 which states you should load in dynamic mode, selectLine and setCurrentLineItemValue. Any ideas?

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  • #5734 Score: 0

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    Not sure of your question. User Events cannot trigger Client Events because the UE is server-side and the CE is browser based.

  • #5735 Score: 0

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    Dynamic mode is supposed to mimic the record creation as if the record were in the UI. Docs say nothing about it not working serverside. I work in standard mode 99.9% of the time so I could just be totally wrong here.

  • #5736 Score: 0

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    Yes, for sourcing and such but it will not run client side code.

  • #5737 Score: 0

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    Alright. Thanks for clearing that up!

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