This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by johngraham 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #6112 Score: 0

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    I would like to add a Dynamic Filter the the item drop down list on Sales Orders. I have added a custom column and would add a scripted search based off the input of that field. Is it possible to then add that filter to the item drop down in the script?
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  • #6113 Score: 0

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    Hi John,

    Not sure if a scripted search will work for you – unless of course you write a Suitelet to manage your own version of a Sales Order form perhaps. Have you tried something like Multiple Dependent Dropdown Lists? Could that work for you?

  • #6114 Score: 0

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    As far as I know, there is no way to filter the Item dropdown differently for each line item. There is not a supported API for filtering a native dropdown.

    The closest feature that comes to mind that is built-in to NetSuite is the Item Filter functionality, but this filter applies to all line items and is not dynamic.

    You can investigate the Item Filter functionality to determine whether it works for you by looking at your custom Transaction Form > Screen Fields > Columns tab > Item Filter. This allows you to select a Saved Search that will determine what Items show in the list for that form.

  • #6115 Score: 0

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    If your list of items is small enough, you may be to achieve this by creating a custom dropdown field, and populate it with the results of the saved search on the Line Init event, and have your script update the actual item field whenever this is modified.

  • #6116 Score: 0

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    Thanks everyone for the input. I will update if I can find a solution.

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