This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Krish0nan 13 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #4335



    We are using to manage documents in our office, I’m thinking to make a custom record which would hold hyperlinks to these documents and I’m wondering if anyone might have already done this or similar?
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  • #4336


    RE: Document management

    I have designed a custom record for managing “Contracts”, but it could be any type of document.

    But did you know you can use the standard NetSuite Files tab to link to an external file?

    Using the standard New File button:Attach From: Web
    File Name: Whatever you want it to be
    URL: The URL from your web site

  • #4337


    RE: Document management

    We are storing many and large documents in our m-files document vault, my idea was that I would export the metadata associated to these documents (say; location,employee,vendor,etc) and then maybe have an “mfiles” tab on those records where a list of links (custom records) to those docs would be (updated by an export from mfiles to netsuite) displayed, allowing oneclick to access to the documents.

    I understand users can manually link docs, but I am looking to automate it.

  • #4338


    RE: Document management

    If you want to export the metadata from the doc lib and import into NetSuite custom records, this is very easy, as long as you can export into Excel or CSV format.

    The key to link to a particular type of NetSuite record is having a field on the custom record that is of the same record type. For example, if you want to associate the custom record with Vendor records, then create a field on the custom record that is of type “List/Record” and List/Record = “Vendor”.

    The key to easy import is to use External IDs. Assign all of your NetSuite records an External ID, and use this during the import process. To assign External IDs, export the records with Internal ID as one of the fields. Then, in Excel, enter the External ID for each record. Finally import this back into NetSuite using UPDATE option and the Internal ID to identify the record, and updating the External ID value.

    For more details see the online Help. You can also search these forums as there are a number of posts relating to import and custom records. Of course you can post specific questions here as well.


  • #4339


    RE: Document management

    Hey Jim thanks for your advice – your totally correct and that is what I will do.

  • #4340


    RE: Document management

    So now I can see that M-Files will shortly have an integration to NetSuite…… anyone out there getting on board with that? seems like it could be awesome for us anyways……anyone on this page? M-Files + NetSuite looks like a great hook up to me.

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