This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by steven_stewart 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #5466



    Is there anyway disable the global search (located top-dead center of Netsuite application) for specific roles within netsuite? We are a contact centre with many different clients within NetSuite and would like to limit the ability to search through each others data. Thanks in advance!

    Best Regards,

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  • #5467


    In order for a user to see the Global Search field, the role requires the Perform Search permission set to View (at least). Try removing this permission from the role and have the users to clear cache or log out and back in.

  • #5468


    Hi Robert,

    Thanks for the suggestion. I did give this a try, but it eliminates the ability to run any searches whatsoever for that role. I need them to still be able to locate cases, etc. I want to disable just the global search at the top, leaving any other search functionality alone. I sincerely appreciate the help!

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