This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by TechDynamism 7 years, 7 months ago.

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    On my Customer Form I want to be able to watch for changes to the Company Name and Name of Contact fields. When they change, I want to update the default Attention and Addressee on the Address Form. I have added a SuiteScript and hooked into the Field Changed function. I can see the changes to the Company Name and Name of Contract fine. But I have having trouble setting the Attention and Addressee fields. I even tried to update the DefaultAddressee hidden input (but it keeps reverting back). Can anyone provide some pointers on how to do this?

    I’m also open to taking other approaches (like using Workflow).

    If this is not possible, I am going to use a User Event script and update the fields After Submit. The problem with this approach though, is I would rather have the user see the changes in the UI before they save (so they can override the defaults).

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