This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Vesku1980 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #5969 Score: 0

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    I’m facing a huge problem with Inventory Details.

    Our Client wants to add default values to this popup opened from Work Order Completion – Components row – Inventory Detail.

    Default values are located behind the assemblyitem so basicly this a easy job to done if a script is possible to attach with this click on Inventory Detail.

    Does anyone know that is this possible ?

    I tried to find help from SuiteAnswers and Google but no luck there.
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  • #5970 Score: 0

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    The Inventory Details page can be scripted.…ail/a_id/27978

  • #5971 Score: 0

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    Hello, thank you for the reply.

    I know these functions but i can’t (or don’t know how) resolve my problem with those.

    When i create a new Work Order Completion i get an error message after submitting the record although i have this kind of UserEvent script in After Submit Function.

    Error Message : Please configure the inventory detail for the assemblyitem.

    The original idea was that when i click the icon that opens the Inventory Detail popup LOT, Expirationdate and quantity would be automatically filled.

    But i think that this is not possible?

    I think that this can be solved with before submit Function but i don’t know how the get ID for the newRecord.

    var newRec = nlapiGetNewRecord();

    var id = newRec.getId();

    returns null.

    david.smith replied on 11/18/2016, 10:42 AM: New records do not have IDs until "After Submit"

  • #5972 Score: 0

    Olivier Gagnon NC
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    Coincidentally, I happen to have some work that also touched on WO Completion Iventory Detail Record.

    The final answer is no: you cannot place scripting on them prior to saving.

    You can script them in beforeSubmit, BUT, that doesn’t solve the problem that via the UI, a user is going to have to manually type something in, because NS won’t let you save without specifying the lot.

    So the UE script can correct the values, but fundamentally, a user will need to write SOMETHING in there, just so NS lets them save.

  • #5973 Score: 0

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    Thank you both for assistance. Needs to tell to customer that no can do.

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