This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by karenn 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #6731


    Hello All,

    I am pulling my hair out trying to figure out what stupid thing I forgot to but I am not seeing it. I am trying to create a Customer Payment in SuiteTalk and C#. I know I am missing a lot fo the required field and such but I seem to be missing something fundamental first. Here is the code

    CustomerPaymentApply[] applyTo = new CustomerPaymentApply[1];

    applyTo[0].doc = Convert.ToInt64(intid);

    applyTo[0].refNum = invno;

    applyTo[0].docSpecified = true;

    applyTo[0].apply = true;

    applyTo[0].applySpecified = true;

    applyTo[0].amount = 10;

    applyTo[0].amountSpecified = true;

    CustomerPaymentApplyList applyList = new CustomerPaymentApplyList();

    applyList.apply = applyTo;

    As soon as it tries to set any of the feilds for applyTo[0] it errors out with a NullReferenceException. The right side of the code has a value when I look in the debugger (ie.e intid, invo) so that is not Null so I am guessing it has something to do with the applyTo but right now I am not seeing it.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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  • #6732


    It looks like you’ve just made an array of 1 CustomerPaymentApply but never actually put anything in it. The first line just allocates memory to hold 1 CustomerPaymentApply object. You’ll need to make a new CustomerPaymentApply object and then assign that to applyTo[0] otherwise applyTo[0] doesn’t point to anything (hence your null reference).

    CustomerPaymentApply[] applyTo = new CustomerPaymentApply[1];

    CustomerPaymentApply customerPaymentApply = new CustomerPaymentApply();

    set properties….

    applyTo[0] = customerPaymentApply;

  • #6733


    It is official…I have lost my ever loving mind and need a vacation!!!!

    Thanks Creece. It is working now.

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