This topic contains 10 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by jmcadams 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #5259


    I am trying to write a CASE statement using the Formula (Numeric) field in a customer saved search that will SUM the number of cases closed in the previous month. I want this reoccuring as we are trying to associate # of cases with total sales by customer but I don’t know SQL so I’m struggling.

    Here is my invalid expression:


    Summary Type Sum

    CASE WHEN {dateclosed} IS MONTH(EnterDate) = @LastMo_Month and YEAR(EnterDate) = @LastMo_Year
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  • #5260


    Here is the invalid expression:

    CASE WHEN {dateclosed} IS MONTH(EnterDate) = @LastMo_Month and YEAR(EnterDate) = @LastMo_Year THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

  • #5261


    If you’re building this out in the UI, could you do this and group it however you’d like (by customer):


    Case : Date Closed is within Last Month


    Summary Type: Count

    Field: Case : InternalID

  • #5262


    I can’t do this in Criteria because I need all Customers with Sales in the previous month in the report. If I put case Date Closed in the criteria only customers with cases closed in previous month will be returned.

    My Criteria:

    Transaction Type: Cash Sale

    Transaction Date: within last month

  • #5263


    Originally posted by jmcadams

    View Post

    I can’t do this in Criteria because I need all Customers with Sales in the previous month in the report. If I put case Date Closed in the criteria only customers with cases closed in previous month will be returned.

    My Criteria:

    Transaction Type: Cash Sale

    Transaction Date: within last month

    Ah. In that case you might be able to Sum it like this if you’re running it as a customer search:

    CASE WHEN (TO_CHAR({case.closed}, ‘MON-YYYY’) = TO_CHAR(add_months({today}, -1), ‘MON-YYYY’)) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

    Or use Count:

    CASE WHEN (TO_CHAR({case.closed}, ‘MON-YYYY’) = TO_CHAR(add_months({today}, -1), ‘MON-YYYY’)) THEN {case.internalid} END

  • #5264


    ok that works! Thank you! But when I add this to the results it throws off the Transaction: Amount Sum column number. Do I need a second Formula Text field in order to display sum of invoice totals in previous month?

    It is not easy to cross reference different record types in least I have not been successful.


    Company Name Group

    Transaction: Amount Sum

    Formula (Numeric) CASE WHEN (TO_CHAR({case.closed}, ‘MON-YYYY’) = TO_CHAR(add_months({today}, -1), ‘MON-YYYY’)) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

  • #5265


    So this seems like a bug to me but if anyone has any suggestions on how to get around this I’m all ears.

    Saved Customer Search


    Name/id: Customer ABC

    Transaction Type is Invoice

    Transaction Date is within last month


    Company Group

    Transaction Amount Sum

    Data returned is correct (good)

    Customer ABC


    But when I add either to Results after Transaction Amount Sum :

    Formula(Numeric) Sum

    CASE WHEN (TO_CHAR({case.closed}, ‘MON-YYYY’) = TO_CHAR(add_months({today}, -1), ‘MON-YYYY’)) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END


    Formula(Numeric) Count

    ASE WHEN (TO_CHAR({case.closed}, ‘MON-YYYY’) = TO_CHAR(add_months({today}, -1), ‘MON-YYYY’)) THEN {case.internalid} END

    The Transaction Amount Sum is now $25,268,824.80!

  • #5266


    I can’t really test this myself, but I would guess you are getting duplicate results either due to transaction lines or customer sublist lines. Try adding another filter to your criteria for Transaction: Main Line is Yes and/or Customer (Main Line) is Yes. You should also be able to drill down into your grouped results to see exactly what is going into the $25M calculation.

  • #5267


    Thank you for the suggestion but now the search times out.

  • #5268


    Odd. If you revert it back so that it doesn’t time out, what are the results when you drill down into a single Customer?

  • #5269


    No Search Results Match Your Criteria.


    Name/ID is ABC Customer

    Transaction: Type is Invoice

    Transaction: Date within last month


    Company Name Group

    Company Name

    Transaction: Type

    Transaction Date

    Transaction: Amount

    Transaction: Amount (Sum)

    Formula (Numeric) Count CASE WHEN (TO_CHAR({case.closed}, ‘MON-YYYY’) = TO_CHAR(add_months({today}, -1), ‘MON-YYYY’)) THEN {case.internalid} END

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