This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by michoel 7 years ago.

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  • #21510 Score: 0

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    We are using a scanner to scan items for the item fulfillment process and when an item is scanned that is not on the sales order, an alert pops up that says 'No Match'. Then if you keep scanning nothing stops you from continuing. We would like to somehow stop the people scanning from continuing in case they miss that message. Is there a way to program the barcode scanner to make a different sound (using a honeywell usb scanner) and make an alert that comes after the default alert, one that stops the user from continuing?

    I already have a client script deployed to the item fulfillment record to alert users that they have scanned too many or not enough items to fulfill the order. It doesn't look like the field changed function is being triggered when this 'No Match' alert pops up, even though normally when you scan an item it does trigger that function. The error must stop that function from being triggered. Does anyone know what trigger I could use for a custom message that would force the user to stop scanning and look at the screen?
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  • #21511 Score: 0

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    If an alert pops up don't they have to acknowledge the alert on the screen?

    Auggie replied on 08/14/2017, 09:36 AM: No, if they just keep scanning it will go away and enter the next item into the item fulfillment record (provided the next item is on the sales order).

  • #21512 Score: 0

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    The only think I can think of then would be to pop them into another browser window for the acknowledgement. That way they don't loose their data entered already. In the field change event you could capture the "no match" value and send the user to a suitelet for the prompt. That way you can do other things with that data as if you need to.

  • #21513 Score: 0

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    You could replace the native alert by modifying the window.alert() function, though this approach is by no means recommended.

    var nativeAlert = window.alert;
    window.alert = function() {
    if (arguments[0] === 'No Match.') {
    var result;
    do {
    result = confirm('No Match. Click Cancel to continue.')
    } while (result);
    } else {
    return nativeAlert.apply(this, arguments);

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