This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Nelliott 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #6715


    Hello all,

    Need some help again. We have a custom list of product lines. We then have a custom item field that uses this list. No problems there.

    Where the problem occurs is trying to get that list value in SuiteTalk. We have a saved search that shows the value selected product line for the item. We are using the saved search then in a C#/.Net web page to display some information about the item. Problem we cannot figure out how to get the list value. The search simply returns the id and we need the value (text). We have not been able to figure out how to is ListOrRecordRef to get that value

    if (custField.scriptId == “custitem_product_line”)


    ListOrRecordRef lRec = new ListOrRecordRef


    internalId = strCustomFld.searchValue.internalId,

    typeId = “customlist_product_line”



    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    This is a cached copy. Click here to see the original post.

  • #6716


    Typically you’d use getValue(‘columnname’) and getText(‘columnname’) for a column in a search is that what you’re trying to understand?

  • #6717


    I am trying to get the text value from a custom list column from a search, not the list record id and nothing I have tried so far works.

  • #6718


    Apologies if I’m missing something here I’m not familiar with the ListOrRecordRef but maybe this will steer you in the right direction?

    If a field that is defined as being a list type is returned in a search normally getting “Value” returns the internal id of the list item getting “Text” returns the text representation.

    That aside, I notice you have:

    internalId = strCustomFld.searchValue.internalId

    have you tried


    without the .internalid?

    or potentially .text

    Sorry I’m not able to try this myself I don’t have any code I could test it with.

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