This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by ashishshukla 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #6857



    Now we are trying to update several custom fields of a custom record. We have been able to add the custom records no problem but getting a “java.lang.NullPointerException” every time we try to update the record in SuiteTalk and not sure what is wrong or what is null.

    Here is our code for updating

    CustomRecord pbMaster = new CustomRecord();

    pbMaster.internalId = “79”;

    StringCustomFieldRef stringCustomFieldRef = new StringCustomFieldRef();

    stringCustomFieldRef.scriptId = “custrecord_pe_pbmastertrackno”;

    stringCustomFieldRef.value = txtMasterTrackno.Text.Trim();

    CustomFieldRef[] customFieldRef = new CustomFieldRef[1];

    customFieldRef[0] = stringCustomFieldRef;

    pbMaster.customFieldList = customFieldRef;

    _service = new NetSuiteService();

    setPassport(); // Set the Passport information for authentication

    WriteResponse writeResponse = _service.update(pbMaster);

    Just learning here. Used this example from NetSuite to build this…custom%20field

    Not sure what I forgot to set or what I did wrong.

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  • #6858


    Hello Karenn,

    In the code you only specified the custom record you wants to update, not the custom record type. You have to mention the both. Please refer following code –

    CustomRecord customRecord = new CustomRecord();

    RecordRef recordType = new RecordRef();

    recordType.internalId = “14”; // // Record Type’s internal ID (Setup > Customization > Record Types > Basic Record Type (Internal ID=14)

    recordType.type = RecordType.customRecord;

    recordType.typeSpecified = true;

    customRecord.recType = recordType;

    customRecord.internalId = “7”; // internal id of the custom record you want to update

    Use the rest code as you are already doing.

    Hope this will help.



  • #6859


    HI Ashish,

    You saved me from myself again!! Thanks. I went right by that. Working great now.

    Thanks again for the help!


  • #6860


    Your welcome Karenn!!

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