This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by daveweez 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #10157



    I have created a custom purchase request approval workflow in my company, but I would like to find out if the following is possible, and if so, how do I proceed to implement it?

    1) Approval delegation – if the Purchase Request is idle for X amount of time, delegate to the supervisor as the “Next Approver”

    2) Periodic Email reminder sent out when a Purchase Request has not been approved in X amount of time

    Many thanks for any suggestions.
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  • #10158


    Yes and yes.

    1. There is a caveat to the ‘yes.’ The supervisor (or next approver) should be able to approve things “below” them – natively to NS, that is. I’m not totally sure of specifics, but I think you would have to make your own notion of “approver” or “next approver” to set that next person to after a period of time. Beware of domino effect of changes required if you choose to use a custom “approver” notion. Since I built my big approval workflow a couple years ago, I’m sure there are some changes to SuiteFlow that make this stuff easier.

    2. You could do this through a saved search. I’ve done it with a workflow action that executed every day at same time and stayed in that state, reminding the currently required approver, until the request was fully approved.

  • #10159


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