This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Jordan Manningham 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #21763 Score: 0

    Jordan Manningham
    • Contributions: 0
    • Level 1

    Hey everyone,

    I recently put together a script that utilizes the current user's color theme. I couldn't find an easy way to get all the IDs of the color themes and FF color codes (of navigation bar) without going through one by one. So, since I've already done the leg work, here are the arrays of IDs and and FF color codes (matching index in each array).

    var color_ids = ['-358', '-5', '-16', '-14', '-15', '-8', '10', '-9', '-7', '-13', '-12', '-6', '-11', '-100', '-101', '-102', '-103', '-104', '-105', '-106', '-107', '-108',
    '-109', '-110', '-111', '-112', '-113', '-114', '-115', '-116', '-117', '-118', '-119', '-120', '-350', '-351', '-352', '-353', '-354', '-355', '-356', '-357',
    '-361', '-362', '-359', '-360', '-363', '-364', '-365', '-121', '-122', '-123', '-124', '-125', '-126', '-127', '-128', '-129', '-130', '-131', '-366', '-367',
    '-368', '-369', '-370', '-371', '-372', '-373', '-132', '-133', '-134', '-136', '-137', '-138', '-139', '-148', '-135', '-141', '-142', '-143', '-144', '-145',
    '-146', '-147', '-148', '-149', '-150', '-151', '-152', '-153', '-154', '-155', '-156', '-157', '-158', '-159', '-160', '-161', '-374', '-375', '-376', '-377',
    '-378', '-380', '-379', '-481'];

    var color_bg_ff = ['#002157', '#607799', '#444444', '#674218', '#888888', '#6D8C1E', '#85C1CF', '#8CB49A', '#E5772A', '#DC64A2', '#6E609D', '#AD4B4B', '#287587', '#FF6600', '#0C2475',
    '#660000', '#EAB200', '#CC0000', '#7595CC', '#D60039', '#000066', '#FFCC66', '#006600', '#BD9C00', '#CC0000', '#000066', '#663399', '#CC9900', '#B40000', '#830506',
    '#FF6600', '#CC6600', '#660000', '#CC0000', '#075699', '#001E58', '#241D4E', '#222222', '#CC0000', '#023EAD', '#990000', '#FF571C', '#222222', '#CC0000', '#000066',
    '#041C43', '#00543D', '#013875', '#000056', '#FF6600', '#8C2108', '#333333', '#000063', '#017400', '#752132', '#702C7E', '#CC0000', '#35457C', '#B69B29', '#990000',
    '#990000', '#004576', '#222222', '#990000', '#000066', '#004A83', '#00287A', '#F76507', '#990000', '#004A85', '#CC0000', '#305930', '#990000', '#002649', '#FF9900',
    '#1A2E57', '#002868', '#840029', '#211F5E', '#044520', '#FF6600', '#AD3118', '#003399', '#A20012', '#330066', '#990000', '#990032', '#990000', '#000067', '#0034AE',
    '#DE0018', '#000066', '#2B0A4F', '#000066', '#880029', '#980033', '#EF9218', '#B5AD63', '#000066', '#8B0222', '#333399', '#000066', '#892020', '#3A027C', '#03492F', '#002654'];
    This is a cached copy. Click here to see the original post.

  • #21764 Score: 0

    • Contributions: 0
    • Level 1

    Good job!

    Though out of curiosity, what do your script do with the current user's color theme as input?

  • #21765 Score: 0

    Jordan Manningham
    • Contributions: 0
    • Level 1

    markjasonflores I created a script that calculated how complete our customer/lead/prospect records and contact records are based on values of fields. The calculation runs as an After Submit function and displays the % in two fields – Rich Text and Percentage (One stands out on the form and one can be searched/reported on). Well I thought it would be a good idea to place a button on the form labeled "Show Missing Info" which accesses the DOM and displays the empty fields included in the calculation as green. When the field is filled in and the button is clicked again, those fields needed to return to their original background color. Since the calculation includes at least one contact record and at least one address, I highlighted "Address" and "Relationships" on the subtab bar – which is a different color for all users dependent on their color theme.

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