This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Vesku1980 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #6091 Score: 0

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    I have a problem with suiteletpage. I’m using suitescript 1.0.

    I’m adding Item lines to Purchase Order with suitelet.

    I wan’t to open Suitelet as popup window – select items to add with check box and then when submitting the Suitelet (capture1 -> this works ok),

    after this i would like to have suitelet popupwindow closed and the specific Purchase Order reloaded.

    This is easily done with Client script, but i don’t know how to add this client script together with submitbutton.

    If i use nlapiSetRedirectURL(‘RECORD’,’purchaseorder’,poid, false,false); the wanted Purchase Order is opened to popup (capture2).

    I tried to add clientscript into Submit button with document.getElementById(“submitter”); but didn’t get that working correctly.

    Any ideas how can i solve this?

    Thank you,

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  • #6092 Score: 0

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    Do you need the suitelet? It sounds like everything you are doing could be done with just the client script. That way changes to the PO are only saved when the PO is saved and not on the backend while the record is open and other changes could have been made.

    Vesku1980 replied on 10/17/2016, 01:21 PM: Hi! I need Suitelet because there has to be a list of items where the vendor from the purchase order is marked as Preferred vendor.

    So user can easily add items for same vendor to same purchase order, which has been created by Order Items – tool.

  • #6093 Score: 0

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    Pop the suitelet in a jQuery UI dialog. Use that data to populate the current form the user is on.

  • #6094 Score: 0

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    Hi Vesku,

    You may able to do it by using this on your Suitelet’s Post.

    response.write(‘self.close();if(window.opener && !window.opener.closed){window.opener.location.reload();};’);

  • #6095 Score: 0

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    Thank you both for assistance,

    I Got it working but there is issue with confirming that you want leave page (as usually with Firefox and Chrome).

    User is now happy with the suitelet page opening to same tab as PO and then returning to PO and reloading the page automatically so added items shows in item list.


    david.smith replied on 10/18/2016, 11:23 AM: Great!

    You can solve this one of two ways.

    1) Let the code add/edit the fields and lines returned from the suitelet but have the user click the submit button


    2) setWindowChanged(window, false);

    I prefer the first option but I’ve used the second when I need to.

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