This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by k_dunc 6 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #21355 Score: 0

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    Hi there,

    I have a script that creates and edits Vendor records. Upon creating the Vendor record, I have no problem setting a temporary password, and also setting the 'requirepwdchange' field to force the Vendor to change their password on their first login.

    I seem to run into an issue, however, when I attempt to change the password fields a subsequent time (i.e., editing an existing Vendor record). It appears I only encounter such an issue where that Vendor has not yet logged into the Vendor Centre and reset their password. From what I can gather, it appears that NetSuite is not allowing me to update a password until the original temporary password / 'requirepwdchange' fields have changed. Is this correct? Is there a way around this?

    Thanks heaps,

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  • #21356 Score: 0

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    I haven't run into this issue, but have you tried revoking access and immediately reinstating access with a new password?

  • #21357 Score: 0

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    Thanks for the good suggestion pcutler. I'll try that.

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