This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by MBrewer2 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #9715

    I am working with a custom workflow that will add data to the beginning of an existing custom text area field (custbody_cc_credit_approval_memo). I want to have a carriage return at the end of each entry so it will be on a new line.

    Here is the formula I am currently using in the SFV action.

    SYSDATE||’ Pending Approval-‘||{custworkflow_cc_hold_reason2}|| ‘… ‘ ||{custbody_cc_credit_approval_memo}

    I would like to insert a CR before the ||custbody_cc_credit_approval_memo. Any suggestions? Thanks
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  • #9716


    I believe r should work. I’m able to emulate it in the console with:

    nlapiSetFieldValue(‘custitem_mbrewer_test_field’,’ Line 1rLine 2rLine 3′)

    Please let us know whether this works in your workflow context or not.

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