This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by rmercene_ns 12 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #4254


    I want to create a small bundle of javascript code libraries (and that’s all).

    However, I can’t see any way for me to add these javascript files to a bundle. I do not need nor want an active script as part of the bundle, I only need the support files. The files are in my file cabinet in a subfolder of SuiteScript.

    More generally, I expected to be able to bundle any files I may have in the file cabinet, but it appears that is not possible.

    So, say my goal is to create a bundle containing just javascript helper libraries. I would install this bundle on an account, then begin creating user event scripts, client scripts, etc. without needing to first upload these files manually because the bundle already installed them.

    Is it possible to create a bundle with any files of my choosing from the file cabinet? Preferably with path/folder structure preserved?
    This is a cached copy. Click here to see the original post.

  • #4255


    Hi ironside – yes this is possible.

    However, in order for your javascript files to be seen by the bundler, you have to mark the file or folder as “Available for SuiteBundles”.

    In order to do this, go to the file cabinet and edit the file record or folder record that you want to include in your bundle. Make sure to check the checkbox for “Available for SuiteBundles”.

    Afterwards, when you go to the Bundle Builder, you will be able to select the files/folders you want.

    For more information, visit the help center in the link below:…#N3617530895-0

    Please let me know if this works for you.

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