This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Olivier Gagnon NC 13 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #4270


    I’ve created a bundle, in production, that contains a couple of custom records. I then installed this bundle into the repository. On a development account I’ve installed this bundle from the repository. I go make a couple of changes and create a new bundle with all of the changes. If I install this new bundle in production from the development, why does it want to re-add all of the existing fields?
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  • #4271

    Olivier Gagnon NC

    RE: Bundle installation

    Unless you changed the Internal IDs of the fields, NS thinks they are the same. It will ask you if you want to Replace existing or make copies. If they haven’t changed, just replace existing. It won’t wipe out your data.

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