This topic contains 7 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by chanarbon 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #6068 Score: 0

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    Hi Everyone,

    Does any have any idea on how to do AWS Signing in NetSuite Using Plain Java Script and we cant use the AWS library.


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  • #6069 Score: 0

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    Why can’t you use the AWS library? It might be easiest to use the HTML library but the Node.js library should work too.…ser-intro.html

  • #6070 Score: 0

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    The issue is we are not doing it via Suitelet so that we can use the External Library. We are doing it Via Rest API and in REST API we cant use an external library.

  • #6071 Score: 0

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    Why can’t you use an external library on REST? That’s not a limitation from NetSuite’s API.

  • #6072 Score: 0

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    We can use a .js file in library but in the aws-sdk-2.6.10.min.js we dont know which particular Method will generate the Signature for us. Can you please help us in identify the Method name which will generate the signature , which we can use in order to connect to AWS.

  • #6073 Score: 0

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    Hi @madhur,

    Pretty much the AWS API is documented. Please read…ticationHeader. Performing the request requires the request to have an Authorization header with their specification and is purely possible using SuiteScript. Performing message hash-based message authentication algorithm would be possible by adding a library to your script to create the authorization header that is required.

  • #6074 Score: 0

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    We just use the aws sdk serverside in NetSuite. Doesn’t matter what sort of script it is (suitelet, restlet, etc.)

  • #6075 Score: 0

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    I agree with ironside . There shouldn’t be any problem with the SDK to begin with since you can just add with with the libraries in the code. BUt if you do not want to use the SDK, the link provided on the previous details in this thread will help you compose your own header from scratch

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