This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by btgoligowski24 8 years, 10 months ago.
January 7, 2016 at 10:10 am #9712
btgoligowski24We perform service as part of our business and therefore issue service renewals to our customers. In an attempt to speed this process up, I’m trying to auto-populate the ‘New Warranty Start Date’ field on the form as our employees enter data. I’m trying to advance the date using a custom field that is sourced via another custom field. Our employee will select the specific serial# that they are quoting and once selected, several other fields auto-populate (sourced using that serial# custom field) including the current warranty end date. I would also like to auto-populate the ‘new warranty start date’ by advancing the current warranty end date one day.
I’ve tried using a formula in the custom field to set the default value of the field, but it appears since the record loads before the field is sourced, it doesn’t know to source the fields after being selected. So I moved on to a what I thought would be a simple workflow, set the field value ‘after sourcing’ the serial # field. as mentioned above, once the serial # field has been sourced, the current warranty end date is populated and i would set the value of the ‘new warranty start date’ using this value + 1. so what I attempted was this (and several variations, but nothing seemed to work):
Trigger on: after field sourcing
client field: serial #
field to set: new warranty start date using formula: {warrantyenddate}+1
This does not seem to work, however this simple formula is used in many of our saved searches and works just fine, so is there some uniqueness to workflows that I’m missing here? Any help is appreciated! I do not know how to script, so that will not help me.
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January 7, 2016 at 1:03 pm #9713
MBrewer2Hi bt,
This could likely be handled through either a Saved Search & Workflow combination, or a client script on validate field.
If a scripting isn’t an option, one of the easier ways of handling the SS/WF solution:
Int Id
Warranty End Date
New Warranty Start Date (Formula(Date) {warrantyenddate}+1)
Workflow ties to saved search, updates item with result. I’m not too certain, but the workflow may need to be scheduled or run before/after submit to succeed. The script can run as the user edits the field.
Here’s a better solution:…Days/related/1
This looks like it does exactly what you’re looking for.
January 8, 2016 at 11:11 am #9714
btgoligowski24Awesome, that worked perfectly, nice find! Thanks!!! My previous workaround was to have it trigger on ‘before record submit’ but that seemed weird as you had to leave the field blank, but it at least worked. This is nicer and more intuitive.
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