This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by amiller88 7 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #10166


    Is it possible to use workflow to update a custom body field to populate text from an address book custom field? Example: We have a customer with over 3,000 shipping locations and added a custom field to the addresses called “Wave Plan” I want to use workflow upon Sale Order creation, populate a Sales Order Custom Body Field with the shipping select’s wave plan. This way I can sort the pick tickets for printing by wave number.
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  • #10167



    SuiteFlow cannot access subrecords. From 14.2 address is subrecord and allow custom fields to be created on it, but SuiteFlow cannot access them. There is mechanism to still access address as body fields for backward compatibility, but this is not the case of address custom fields.


  • #10168


    horrible design.

  • #10169


    Each part of Netsuite is undergoing heavy development including SuiteFlow and we are determined to deliver subrecord support. I cannot give any definite timeframe but, believe me, it is one of our highest priorities. You still can create workflow Custom Action which would do whatever you need including accessing subrecords.

  • #10170


    It can access subrecords, but in my testing it was sporadic (I couldn’t figure out the logic). I was able to reference field values in a subrecord and use them to set field values of State fields in the WF. Problem was, there was no discernible pattern.

  • #10171


    Just saw this Enhancement to vote on in another post so sounds like not fixed yet. 183283: Workflow > Ability to access sublist on the criteria

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