This topic contains 8 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by johngraham 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #5828 Score: 0

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    Anyone aware if it is possible to add a custom notice or banner similar “Warning This record may have duplicate” on a record (sales order, customer) based off of custom code?
    This is a cached copy. Click here to see the original post.

  • #5829 Score: 0

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    SuiteScript 2.x module called N/ui/message module…ail/a_id/49316

  • #5830 Score: 0

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    You can. I did this with some code earlier.

    In my UE script on the record, I check a particular request param and show a banner like:

    var fieldObj = form.addField(‘custpage_editunavailable’, ‘inlinehtml’, ‘ ‘);

    ‘ +


    ‘ +


    fieldObj.setLayoutType(‘outsideabove’, ‘startrow’);
    Looks like the below screenshot. Just change the class to be the one you want.

  • #5831 Score: 0

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    Another option for SS1.0 is to use the undocumented internal Netsuite function showAlertBox() in your client side code.

    showAlertBox(‘alert_duplicate_record’, ‘Warning – This record may have duplicate’, ‘This record may have duplicates.’, NLAlertDialog.TYPE_HIGH_PRIORITY);

    CREECE replied on 04/05/2017, 11:23 PM: Either way it is a bit shady I didn’t know about this method until now though thanks for the info!

  • #5832 Score: 0

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    I think CREECE ‘s solution should work really well. It is a better approach to use what we have on the APIs provided rather than using the functionalities that are not directly shown on the documentation to ensure that the codes logic will work even if there will be some changes in the UI components

    michoel replied on 04/05/2017, 05:16 PM: Note though that @creece’s solution also makes use of undocumented Netsuite CSS classes that are also subject to changes.

  • #5833 Score: 0

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    Thanks for all the input. CREECE , I want to add this to a standard sales order and not a custom form. Any ideas?

  • #5834 Score: 0

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    Originally posted by johngraham

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    Thanks for all the input. CREECE , I want to add this to a standard sales order and not a custom form. Any ideas?

    A Before Load UserEvent which adds a new field on the Page, and sets the default value to the previous post’s value.

    Deploy this script then to the Sales Order Record Type.

  • #5835 Score: 0

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    Originally posted by michoel

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    Another option for SS1.0 is to use the undocumented internal Netsuite function showAlertBox() in your client side code.

    showAlertBox(‘alert_duplicate_record’, ‘Warning – This record may have duplicate’, ‘This record may have duplicates.’, NLAlertDialog.TYPE_HIGH_PRIORITY);

    Ah I was looking for this! Thanks Michoel!

  • #5836 Score: 0

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    Fantastic! Works as expected. Thanks again for everyone’s help.

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