This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Sree 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #9920


    NS Gurus,

    I have a Add Button Action (RESUBMIT) in one of the state and it works fine but it does not show EDIT (native button) when the state is executed, instead it shows only that Action (RESUBMIT) button.

    However, when I refresh the page, it shows EDIT (native) and RESUBMIT (Workflow Action). I wanted to show EDIT button both times. Any suggestions?

    More Info:

    Running ONENTRY trigger under BEFORELOAD (Event: VIEW; Context: USERINTERFACE) –> ADD BUTTON is executed and is shown

    ON Refresh

    Running BEFORELOAD trigger (Event: VIEW; Context: USERINTERFACE) –> ADD BUTTON is executed and is shown AND EDIT button is also shown

    ADD Button Action (RESUBMIT) is in the Before Record Load with NO conditions on that action. This is the last action in this state.

    Any help is appreciated.

    Thank you,

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