This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by chanarbon 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #6165 Score: 0

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    I am trying to create a script to generate PDF document from SO. I had no issues making it work as long as I use fields and sublists from sales order. But it seems I cannot get any values from linked customer record. I followed these steps:

    1. Created suitelet that generates PDF file using nlapiXMLToPDF

    2. Created client script to call on suitelet and pass internal id

    3. created user event script to create a button on SO form

    function printLabels(request, response) {
    //retrieve the record id passed to the Suitelet
    var recId = request.getParameter(‘id’);

    //load records
    var recSO = nlapiLoadRecord(‘salesorder’, recId);
    var companyInfo = nlapiLoadConfiguration(‘companyinformation’);
    var recShipAddress = recSO.viewSubrecord(‘shippingaddress’);
    var recBillAddress = recSO.viewSubrecord(‘billingaddress’);
    var customerId = nlapiGetFieldValue(‘entity’);

    // load the customer record using the internal id acquired above
    var customerRec = nlapiLoadRecord(‘customer’, customerId, {recordmode : ‘dynamic’});

    As soon as I added : var customerId = nlapiGetFieldValue(‘entity’);

    var customerRec = nlapiLoadRecord(‘customer’, customerId, {recordmode : ‘dynamic’});

    I keep getting “SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT” and cannot source any fields from customer record. I am completely new to sutescript. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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  • #6166 Score: 0

    Olivier Gagnon NC
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    You are on a Suitelet. There are no local field value because there is no local record. nlapiGet anything will not work.Looking at this code, I believe you mean to say var customerId = recSO.getFieldValue(‘entity’)

  • #6167 Score: 0

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    Originally posted by Olivier Gagnon NC

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    You are on a Suitelet. There are no local field value because there is no local record. nlapiGet anything will not work.Looking at this code, I believe you mean to say var customerId = recSO.getFieldValue(‘entity’)

    I agree with Olivier. Please note that the use of nlapiGet or nlapiSet vs a record is done on either user event script and client script script because your working on the context of a record. When dealing with Suitelet or other server side scripts, you have to use the getting and setting on the nlobjRecord which on this case is the recSo.

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