This topic contains 9 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by CREECE 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #6136 Score: 0

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    I have a very trivial suitelet (anoymous – available without login) that just returns an object:

    function startSuitelet(request, response) {
    nlapiLogExecution(‘DEBUG’, ‘suitelet request’, request.getBody());

    response.write(JSON.stringify({‘status’: ‘testing’}));
    I am trying to consume this via Ajax in a HipChat sidebar app I am trying to write:

    type: “GET”,
    url: ‘my_suitelet_public_url’,
    dataType: ‘jsonp’,
    success: function (data) {
    error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    alert(“error: ” + errorThrown + ‘ XMLHttpRequest: ‘ + JSON.stringify(XMLHttpRequest) + ‘ textStatus: ‘ + textStatus);
    This seems super trivial but no matter what I try in the Ajax query, it never works. This isn’t something I’ve done before so maybe I am a little off? I do NOT want to use a RESTlet as I don’t care about logging in for this but I would venture to say that RESTlets have the same issue.

    I CAN however, post to this using POSTman in chrome -or- click the Suitelet public URL and get my JSON data so I know it is working. I can also see my suitelet being hit when i make the JSON call but it never makes it back to my code. It always goes into the error branch with nothing useful as it says it was successful yet still errors…

    The error I am receiving as output from this:

    with jsonp as dataType:

    error: Error: jQuery21104258091155789343_1475198345974 was not called XMLHttpRequest: {“readyState”:4,”status”:200,”statusText”:”load “} textStatus: parsererror

    with json as dataType: error: XMLHttpRequest: {“readyState”:0,”status”:0,”statusText”:”error” } textStatus: error

    Thanks for the assistance!

    9/30 Update… Solved it

    You cannot use “json” or “application/json” due to the same origin policy ( You have to specify jsonp in your ajax code. Here is a working example:


    function startSuitelet(request, response) {
    var callback = ‘doSomething’; // or you could pass this in as a param
    var result = getMyData();
    var strJson = callback+'(‘ + JSON.stringify(result) + ‘);’;

    Node.js AJAX code:

    function doSomething(data) {
    // Whatever you want to do with Suitelet’s return data

    url: ‘SUITELET_URL’,
    dataType: “jsonp”,
    jsonpCallback: ‘doSomething’,
    success: function(data) {
    This is a cached copy. Click here to see the original post.

  • #6137 Score: 0

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    2 things I see:

    1) I would set the content type of your suitelet to JSON using response.setContentType(‘JSON’); (put this line before your response.write line)

    2) In the success function of the AJAX, I don’t believe you should be doing JSON.stringify(data). Try just logging data as is to see what is returned.

  • #6138 Score: 0

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    I had already tried both JSON and JAVASCRIPT when setting the content type and no go. Also setting dataType to json / jsonp still gives the exact same errors as I stated above.

    I am 99.9% sure this is some kind of cross-domain weird issue. I have no idea how to resolve it though.

    If i just use json as the dataType and try to call via jquery API website:

    No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. Origin ‘’ is therefore not allowed access.

    if I add a proxy to the url it works fine in the browser….. No luck so far with my Hipchat app code but at least got something going in the browser.. if you DO NOT want to use a proxy, you’ll have to specify jsonp as the dataType and then specify a callback in the suitelet but that seems to only work client side for me right now.

  • #6139 Score: 0

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    Set the contentType: “application/json”, in your Ajax call.

  • #6140 Score: 0

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    I did get this working finally.

    You cannot use “json” or “application/json” due to the same origin policy ( You have to specify jsonp in your ajax code. Here is a working example:


    function startSuitelet(request, response) {
    var callback = ‘doSomething’; // or you could pass this in as a param
    var result = getMyData();
    var strJson = callback+'(‘ + JSON.stringify(result) + ‘);’;

    Node.js AJAX code:

    function doSomething(data) {
    // Whatever you want to do with Suitelet’s return data

    url: ‘SUITELET_URL’,
    dataType: “jsonp”,
    jsonpCallback: ‘doSomething’,
    success: function(data) {

    ironside replied on 10/02/2016, 11:02 AM: jsonp is a hack that needs to die.

  • #6141 Score: 0

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    Where are you calling the suitelet from? You make it sound like this is from another UI page inside of NetSuite? This is basically what I do…

    Code:‘url’,{“something”:”my post data”}, function(resultdata){
    }, ‘json’);

  • #6142 Score: 0

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    This is from an application outside of netsuite. Your example would work fine if it were inside NetSuite. My example is how to call a NetSuite resource (suitelet specifically) outside of the NetSuite domain.

    david.smith replied on 09/30/2016, 04:28 PM: ok, gottcha

  • #6143 Score: 0

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    When it is ready (Blizzard Entertainment ™). It is an internal application but i would be happy to show you

  • #6144 Score: 0
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    Hi I am new in here… Is it possible to called Jsonp using Restlet script. How do I overcome the multiple origin error?

  • #6145 Score: 0

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    In order to get it around it in my app, i made HTML w/ the fields I needed available in the netsuite file cabinet w/o login and loaded them, did my work in that html and redirected within netsuite. Since the HTML files are already loaded on netsuites domain, it worked just fine for me.

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