This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by eneusta1 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #6133 Score: 0

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    I am working on a button that exists on the case form.. The intent is to create an invoice from the case but a button press. I have the workflow elements working but the Workflow Action Script is giving an error

    I am not a script guy, by nature but this ‘seemed’ easy enough. Once it get this working in a basic element, I want to enhance it by auto-closing the case and inheriting a number of elements from the case into the invoice…. but I need to get the basics working:

    below is the simple version of the script.. what is this newb missing

    function CasecreatesInvoice()


    var caserecord = nlapiGetRecordId();

    var casecustomer = nlapiGetFieldValue(‘company’);

    var newinv = nlapiCreateRecord(‘invoice’);

    newinv.setFieldValue(‘customform’, ‘116’);

    newinv.setFieldValue(‘department’, ‘2’);

    newinv.setFieldValue(‘entity’, ’20’);

    var invID = nlapiSubmitRecord(newinv);

    return invID;


    on screen error is: nlapiResolveURL: type argument TRANSACTION is not a valid record or is not available in your account. Please see the documentation for a list of supported record types.
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  • #6134 Score: 0

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    Very strange. I don’t see a call to nlapiResolveURL anywhere in your code. Is this the entirety of your code? Are there other User Event scripts running on the Invoice record? You can check Customization > Scripting > Scripted Records to find out if any other scripts are running on the Invoice record.

  • #6135 Score: 0

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    Yes, that was the entirety of the code (for now).

    Via Scripted Records, there are some SuiteSocial elements but nothing else except my workflow…. very strange indeed.

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