This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by MChammaTX 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #6099 Score: 0

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    We are receiving duplicate update email case notifications. We believe it is being caused by an aftersubmit script that is updating the case record and subsequently triggering another update email. My question is that does this seem like normal behavior? We would a user event cause an update email to trigger and is there any way to supress short of moving the code to before submit.
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  • #6100 Score: 0

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    Before submit will not have an ID for new case records so this most likely would not work. We would need to see the code to be able to determine how/if it’s triggering another save on the record. You could also undeploy the script temporarily to do some testing. If you only get one email without that script you will know for sure.

  • #6101 Score: 0

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    Due to the post title, “Duplicate update email…”, I’m assuming the duplicate email is sent upon a Case being updated rather than created? If this is the case, then I believe the comment from David above may not necessarily be relevant.

    To the question, it is highly likely that the script (or a Workflow) is indeed sending a duplicate email. The first thing I’d recommend, is to go to Customisation > Scripting > Scripted Records. Locate Case and go through each of the subtabs. This will give you an indication of all the Scripts and Workflows running on your Case records. Start there in my opinion.

  • #6102 Score: 0

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    This might help. We had the same issue after the 2016.2 upgrade where we were receiving multiple emails everytime the case is getting updated by the case owner:

    Support Case #: 2520009.

    Hi Team,

    We have received update from our engineers regarding this issue and they cross checked this on both 2016.1 and 2016.2 Versions.

    On both Version 2016.1 and 2016.2, usual scripts such as nlapiLoadRecord + setFieldValue + nlapiSubmitRecord did send email notifications.

    However, when using nlapiSubmitField (which is equivalent to DLE), this did not send notifications on 2016.1. This was considered a defect and the behavior was fixed on 2016.2 so that it will be consistent with the use of nlapisubmitRecord when triggering email notifications. Per checking, it seems that on Script ID: 433 this uses the same nlapiSubmitField.

    To avoid receiving multiple case updates for every trigger of the nlapiSubmitField, it is advised to load the record, set the field and submit it via scripting.

    I hope this helps. Please do let us know if you would need further information regarding this.

  • #6103 Score: 0

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    Thanks Janrey

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