This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by jmessersmith 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #6002 Score: 0

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    We would like to change the customer on an invoice. I can do that no problem but the issue is the payments become unapplied. Is there a simpler way to change customers without having to open the payments and reapply them to the invoice?
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  • #6003 Score: 0

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    The only way would be to script what you’re trying to do. It will do as you have described because you are changing the customer who is the parent record of the transactions.

  • #6004 Score: 0

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    Checking on the scenario, I must agree with david.smith that to go about this concern, you have to create a script for perform the automated reapply. For example, on beforeSubmit of the invoice, you need to detect changes on the customer field, you need to perform a search of related payment records and update them to get applied back the the invoice.

    david.smith replied on 11/01/2016, 12:50 PM: Note: Do the search and save it before reassigning the customer so you know what was applied.

  • #6005 Score: 0

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    I don’t have the opportunity to do it in the beforeSubmit for historical invoices. I created a script that would change and reapply everything perfectly.

    The only remaining issue is the taxes. Everytime a customer gets changed on an invoice it changes the nexus and recalculates taxes. Is there some native setting to stop the recalc of the invoice?

    We put in a ticket and support came back saying we just shouldn’t change the customer…

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