This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by markc 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #5986 Score: 0

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    Aside from the obvious nlapiGetNewRecord() when an email is sent in of course.

    What I’m looking at is a system that creates new SupportCase records when an email is sent in. This system is NOT using an email capture plug in implementation. So far they have been able to create the new supportcase record in the before submit then assign it out to whoever in the after submit.

    What I’d like to be able to add without implementing an email capture plug in is the ability to correctly assign the case based on the the email recipients (as well as cc’d recipients, there can be and commonly are multiple) while still in the before submit event.

    Where I’m having a difficult time with this is figuring out how to access the message during this part of the event. I would like to think that the message is a part of the newly created supportcase record but I haven’t been able to find any documentation of this. Even looking at the record browser the message is mainly shown as something that is only accessible via search joins. If I could use a search join to access it inside this event that would be fine too but I’m still not entirely sure that’s possible because I’m not sure when the message record is created. My attempts at using a search of all messages to find it have currently come up with the most recent previous message not the current message being sent in.

    Does anyone know how to access the current message record that would be created in this scenario?
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  • #5987 Score: 0

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    I use a workflow on the support case record (On Create, Before Record Submit) to set values on the record via a custom action triggered on entry (Workflow Action script). You can set values based on the inboundemail and email fields on the support case. I don’t know the internal ID of the cc field is offhand.

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