This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by sterlingr 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #5980 Score: 0

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    I’m trying to update a script and I want to find if an item is a matrix child item and run certain commands based on that. I’ve searched everywhere and I can’t find the correct method to find if an item is a matrix child. I see you can set search criteria to matrix child items=t. I could do something like adding a custom field and set that true or false with a mass update?

    Is there any direct approach to find if the item is a child item?

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  • #5981 Score: 0

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    var itemSearchObj = search.create({
    type: “item”,
    filters: [
    columns: [
    return true;

  • #5982 Score: 0

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    Hi sterlingr,

    If you need use a scripted search to fetch specific matrix subitems, then you can use the following snippet:

    var filters = [[‘matrixchild’,’is’,’T’]]; var columns = []; nlapiSearchRecord(“item”,null,filters,columns);
    If you’re on an item record and need to verify if it is a matrix subitem, then use the following:

    It will also work if you load the record:

    Hope that helps,

    – Robert

  • #5983 Score: 0

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    Thanks guys. I went ahead and setup a custom field for it because I want it available for multiple applications. I am going to work more with the search records though and see how that would apply. I’m still getting my feet wet here.

    Also, I did try ‘hasparent’ but that doesn’t work as expected — It shows true for any item that has a parent even non matrix items (which is pretty much all of our items). I simply need the nlapiGetFieldValue(‘matrixchild’) option but that doesn’t work.

  • #5984 Score: 0

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    I highly recommend the ‘search export’ chrome extension – you can edit a saved search and click a button to see the scripted version of that search. super useful:…er-info-dialog

    David Smith’s code should work for what you want.

  • #5985 Score: 0

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    That is brilliant. Added both of his extensions! Thanks!

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