This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by matthewjiang 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #5964 Score: 0

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    A basic question: when I search something in inventory numbers record, I defined filter like this:

    ​ var filter = new nlobjSearchFilter(‘item’, null, ‘is’, ‘3966’);

    ​It run good. ‘item’ is the internal id of this record.

    But there are following situations:

    ​1) When I change value to nothing, like this:

    var filter = new nlobjSearchFilter(‘item’, null, ‘is’, ”);

    there’s a ‘SSS_INVALID_SRCH_OPERATOR’ error message.

    ​2) When I change value to something with letters, like this:

    var filter = new nlobjSearchFilter(‘item’, null, ‘is’, ‘abc’);

    there’s a 1000 results.

    ​Why does that happen? How to handle empty value. Currently I use an impossible number like ‘-99999999’ to avoid error.

    Thanks a lot.
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  • #5965 Score: 0

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    Use nlobjSearchFilter(‘item’, null, ‘is’, ”@NONE@”);…_N3004217.html

  • #5966 Score: 0

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    Thanks Michoel. It works.

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