This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by marcelp 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #5902 Score: 0

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    For anyone that might be using the Chrome extension “NetSuite: HTML Script Notes” an update has been made to greatly improve it’s performance. Prior versions might hang and cause slow loading but the latest version 1.4 has fixed much of those issues. If it’s already installed you can manually update it or it will update itself. If you don’t have this extension it can be found here:…dijcdgjcikcbkk

    Other related Chrome extensions:…eb-development

    This is a cached copy. Click here to see the original post.

  • #5903 Score: 0

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    Nice one. Actually, I have all the chrome plugins that you have created installed on my end. It’s a great help when dealing with things in the UI.

  • #5904 Score: 0

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    Hi David,

    I’ve found your extensions, installed all of them, and they are very helpful. Thanks for sharing.

    The HTML Script notes is awesome, as I have several scripts that add execution log in all parts with JSON contents. However, even with the latest version, it’s a bit slow to load the page due to the links that it creates. My JSON contents have contents such as “item:N” (many), “subsidiary:N”, etc, so it takes several seconds to convert all links and load the page. As a suggestion, instead of converting the “recordtype:”, it could have another way to convert the links (a prefix, for example) or an option to create links only for some specific record types. Anyway, that extension is great.

    Inspired by your extensions and based on my daily needs, I also created a Chrome extension. The objective is to add more information to the fields through the field help page. For custom fields, it creates a link to the custom field record. Also, as I work with several integrations, I usually need to know the fields internal ids, so it also displays the fields internal ids. I also decided to share the extension and it is available here:…bkilpnaahjiejj

    Thanks again.


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