This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by ironside 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #5812 Score: 0

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    I’m very rusty with my client script, but I do recall running into this same problem years ago, hopefully someone here has a solution.

    Requirement: Using client SuiteScript restrict edits to the quantity column on sales orders and display an alert to the user. No Workflow, no custom forms, no UE script to make columns disabled – must be client side SS. This isn’t my real use case, but it accurately represents my technical needs.

    Problem: NetSuite fires the validateField event whenever a field loses focus. The validateField handler is the natural choice to reject a user edit (by returning false). If my quantity field receives focus, then the user clicks out of the browser window the validate event is raised, my client code runs and shows the alert. When the user clicks the alert OK button, it triggers the validateField event again and so begins the endless loop.

    Before I hack together some state management or other solution to avoid multiple alert popups I wanted to ask if anyone here has a better pattern or strategy for rejecting user edits and avoiding re-triggering the event when focus is lost?

    Here’s what I have so you can see things are basically correct.

    PHP Code:

     * Event raised whenever a user edits a field. This handler will utilize the controller object to determine if
     * the current field can be edited or not.
     * @param {string} fieldId The id of the field to validate
     * @returns {boolean} Whether or not the current field is valid
     * @private
    var _onValidateField = function(type, fieldId) {

        //  We only care about item field changes…
        if(type != ‘item’) {
            return true;

        try {
            if (!_controller.canEdit(fieldId)) {
                return false;
        } catch(e) {
            return false;

        return true;
    This is a cached copy. Click here to see the original post.

  • #5813 Score: 0

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    Do you have Return True in your script when validating the field?

    This is one of my scripts in use :

    function ValidateField(type, name)


    if (name === ‘entitystatus’)


    var entitystatus = nlapiGetFieldValue(‘entitystatus’);

    var itemCount = nlapiGetLineItemCount(‘item’);

    var customRecordCount = nlapiGetLineItemCount(‘recmachcustrecord_mpc_cajo_ oppotunity’)



    console.log(‘customRecordCount’+customRecordCount) ;

    if (entitystatus == ‘7’ && ( itemCount == ‘0’ || customRecordCount == ‘0’))


    alert(‘You can’t set Lead Status to qualified with this data! Please add an item and segment information.’);

    return false;



    // Always return true at this level, to continue validating other fields

    return true;


    Hope that this will help you!


  • #5814 Score: 0

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    Thanks for the suggestion, but yes, I’m returning true where appropriate. I’ve updated my original post with a simplified code sample.

  • #5815 Score: 0

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    This doesn’t address your issue directly but maybe employing showAlertBox would be better than an alert and potentially break your loop.

    showAlertBox(“myelement_id”,”You did bad things”,”stop entering rubbish”,0,””,””,””,””)

    Parameters below

    a = id of ui element, (whatever you want).

    b = Title

    c = Message

    d = severity –

    0 – Confirmation (green)

    1 – Blue

    2 – Yellow

    3 – Red

    set the last three to “”.

    If you use the same id in the first parameter it will overwrite the message, if you supply a different id you will see new messages uniquely in the page.

    You can try this straight form the console btw

    Good Luck,


  • #5816 Score: 0

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    Is your primary goal actually to reject an edit, or to prevent it altogether in the first place? Even without a UE script, could you leverage lineInit to disable the quantity (or whichever) column you don’t want modified?

  • #5817 Score: 0

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    Howdy sklett. You can try


    as simple workarounds. Since you’re surely using NFT by now lodash is already there for you

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