This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by daniel.loynes 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #5729 Score: 0

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    Does anyone know if it is possible to script the add file popup form? What I want to do is set the folder to a specific existing folder so that when a user goes to add a new file, the folder is already set to the specific folder. I also do not want the user to have the ability to change the folder. An added complication is that I only want to do this when adding a file from a specific custom field (document type custom field). Any ideas would be most welcome.
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  • #5730 Score: 0

    Olivier Gagnon NC
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    Not possible – that screen is not customizeable.

    The only option would be to scratch build you own replacement upload screen (via a suitelet) and on every single screen where a user can upload, add a button to call your own screen. Which is not feasible as there are many places you won’t be able to get a button on.

  • #5731 Score: 0

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    In addition to Oliver’s idea to use a Suitelet instead of NetSuite’s own upload screen, another option could be a user event script on the record with the document custom field. The user event script could move the file to the desired location when the record is saved.

  • #5732 Score: 0

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    Oliver & pcutler, thank you both for your replies and ideas. Your responses are greatly appreciated. It is good to know for sure that the upload screen is not customizable, and I will most certainly look into a user event script to either move the file or prevent the record being saved with the file in the wrong folder.

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