This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by tect22 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #5663 Score: 0

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    • Level 1

    I have a script for Vendor Payment and I want to fet the value (‘tranid’) of Vendor BIll and apply it to Vendor Payment printout. I tried so many times but I got a result of null or undefined.


    var apply = record.getLineItemCount(‘apply’);

    for (var x=1; x< =apply; x++){ var date = record.getLineItemValue('apply','applydate',x); var type = record.getLineItemValue('apply','type',x); var amount = record.getLineItemValue('apply','due',x); var refnum = record.getLineItemValue('apply','refnum',x); var memo = nlapiLookupField('vendorbill','apply','memo',x); layout += ' ‘;
    layout += ‘


    layout += ‘


    layout += ‘


    layout += ‘


    layout += ‘‘;

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  • #5664 Score: 0

    Chuan Zhuo
    • Contributions: 0
    • Level 1

    View source HTNL code of NS vendorpayment page,

    you might found the correct column internalid there.

  • #5665 Score: 0

    • Contributions: 0
    • Level 1

    Hi Ryan,

    I’m assuming you want to show the memo of the Bill, your Bill Payment is applying. Try this code.

    var apply = record.getLineItemCount(‘apply’);

    for (var x=1; x<=apply; x++){
    if(record.getLineItemValue('apply','apply',x)=='T' ){
    var date = record.getLineItemValue('apply','applydate',x);
    var type = record.getLineItemValue('apply','type',x);
    var amount = record.getLineItemValue('apply','due',x);
    var id= record.getLineItemValue('apply','internalid',x);
    var refnum= record.getLineItemValue('apply','refnum',x);
    var memo = nlapiLookupField('vendorbill',id,'memo');
    layout += '

    ‘; layout += ‘


    ‘; layout += ‘


    ‘; layout += ‘


    ‘; layout += ‘


    ‘; layout += ‘

    ‘; } }

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