This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by dmashburn3 7 years, 7 months ago.

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    I’m trying to add a sublist to the customer page via a before load script. I’ve created a tab and and the sublist and checked and confirmed that the script is running through my search results properly (and the search isn’t returning anything too long to time out).

    I’ve also gone through and added nlapiLogExecution lines to confirm the script isn’t getting hung up at any particular line. However now on loading the customer record I’m getting an unexpected error. Can anyone spot anything wrong with what I’ve written:

    var projectTab = form.addTab(‘custpage_projectschedule’,’Project Schedule’);
    var itemList = form.addSubList(‘custpage_projectitemlist’,’list’,’Item List’,projectTab);

    nlapiLogExecution(‘debug’,’Details’,’salesorderItemSearch.length = ‘ + salesorderItemSearch.length)
    itemList.addField(‘itemordered’,’text’,’Item Ordered’);
    itemList.addField(‘quantityshipped’,’text’,’Quantity Shipped’)
    itemList.addField(‘frompurchaseorder’,’text’,’Purchase Order’);

    for(var i = 0; i < salesorderItemSearch.length; i++){ var itemId = salesorderItemSearch[i].getValue('item'); var itemName = nlapiLookupField('inventoryitem',itemId, 'name'); itemList.setLineItemValue('itemordered',i+1,itemName); itemList.setLineItemValue('quantityordered',i+1,salesorderItemSearch[i].getValue('quantity')); itemList.setLineItemValue('quantityshipped',i+1,salesorderItemSearch[i].getValue('quantityshiprecv')); var poId = salesorderItemSearch[i].getValue('applyingtransaction'); var poName = nlapiLookupField('purchaseorder',poId,'tranid'); itemList.setLineItemValue('frompurchaseorder',i+1,poName); } Note: I realize I could use my saved search and plug these values into a sublist regularly, but ultimately I need to pull more values that would involve too many joins for a search.
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  • #5624 Score: 0

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    Disregard. In trying to add the sublist to the tab I created I just needed to add it not using the variable.

    var itemList = form.addSubList(‘custpage_projectitemlist’,’list’,’Item List’,’custpage_projectschedule’);

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