This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by david.smith 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #5611 Score: 0

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    SuiteScript v1, but I’ll switch to SS v2 if it’s the only way to make it work.

    I’ve tried:

    salesOrder.setFieldText(‘shipcarrier’, ‘More’);

    salesOrder.setFieldValue(‘shipcarrier’, ‘noups’);

    salesOrder.setFieldValue(‘shipcarrier’, ‘nonups’);

    But UPS is always selected once the record is saved.…script-in-a-re
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  • #5612 Score: 0

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    Have you looked at the shipmethod field and sourcing? In the UI you can use nlapiSetFieldValue(‘shipcarrier’,’nonups’);

    cja replied on 01/25/2017, 03:01 AM: Please see the StackOverflow question.

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