This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Vinayak 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #5583 Score: 0

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    I am trying to add multiple subsidiaries through script/csv on already existing vendor record but I am not able to add/update the vendor record for multiple subsidiaries. please advice


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  • #5584 Score: 0

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    Hi Vinayak,

    NetSuite doesn’t allow multiple Subsidiaries on any entity Records.



  • #5585 Score: 0

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    I’m thinking this may still be true (from SuiteAnswers 41517) Note

    As of Version 2015 Release 1, you can define multiple secondary subsidiaries only through the user interface, not through SuiteScript or CSV import.

    You cannot share a vendor record that is also paired with a customer record, such as, if the vendor record shows a customer on the Other Relationships subtab

  • #5586 Score: 0

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    Agreeing to MikeBucklaew , it is only available in UI. It is also not a scriptable sublist for vendor records on the records browser (…rd/vendor.html). I would suggest that you file a case to support team to have an enhancement provided for you.

  • #5587 Score: 0

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    Thanks for the reply. I have filed case with Netsuite support for enhancement.

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