This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by chanarbon 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #5551 Score: 0

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    When you customize a form and add buttons, there is a “display as”. I want to add a button and display it as menu. Can that be done within Suitescript?

    var script = “alert(‘Hello World’)”;

    form.addButton(‘custpage_custombutton’, ‘Click Me’, script);

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  • #5552 Score: 0

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    Hey Jason,

    Unfortunately not. You’ll have to either make a button or use some inline html to generate your own menu-like layout.

  • #5553 Score: 0

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    Agree with Mark. This would require you to use user event script on Before Load, Get the form object parameter on the beforeLoad function, perform nlobjForm.addButton() and nlobjForm.setScript()

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